Before I tell you about the program, let’s make sure you’re a good fit

You are right for Piano 101 if you want to be able to play piano fluently and confidently, to go beyond the surface level elements of playing piano, and to learn not just the what of playing pieces, but also the how and the why.

Piano 101 is right for you if you want to learn how to express yourself at the piano, understand all of the essential elements that go into creating beautiful music, and to get the most out of your practice time so you know you’re getting the most out of your precious time.

If you…

are ready to practice consistently and start seeing progress

have been practicing, but want to see more improvement

want to go beyond just playing pieces and really understand your music

keep making the same mistakes and feel like there has to be a better way

then you’re in the right place!

By the end of this program, you will...

enrollment for Piano 101 is currently closed

Never underestimate the value of making sure you’re really clear on the basics. This module will not only show you what are the essential elements of piano playing, but also how to practice them and why they are important.

No more worrying that you’re missing something and no more second guessing how to approach your music!

Module 1 Highlights:

🎵 Finding your way around the piano automatically

🎵 Mastering the most important rhythms

🎵 The reading hack that took my own reading from zero to hero

🎵 Making a habit of learning

🎵 Getting started with improvisation

Piano is not a natural instrument to play, and technique that helps us play more comfortably and fluently can be counterintuitive – but mastering these techniques is essential to feeling at home at the piano.

No more guesswork – I will guide you step-by-step through this process.

Module 2 Highlights:

🎵 Simple, effective exercises that will develop your technique in a few minutes each session

🎵 Simultaneously improve your reading and technique skills

🎵 Learn how to improve your rhythm and technique at the same time

🎵 Three beautiful pieces that reinforce the topics covered

🎵 Start feeling more at home at the piano

Traditional piano methods don’t always teach you how to play by ear, but this module walks you step-by-step through the process of learning how to play your favorite music by ear – and how sometimes this approach will help you play more naturally and musically.

Don’t wait years to start playing your favorite songs on the piano! By using chord charts and the tips you learn in this module, you’ll be jamming before you know it.

Module 3 Highlights:

🎵 Learn how to play tricky rhythms by ear that would take you years with notation

🎵 Start trusting your intuition and your ability to find your way around the piano

🎵 Use your ears to improve your reading skills

🎵 Finally understand what’s going on with chords

🎵 Three beautiful pieces that reinforce the topics in the module

Reading music is intimidating for a lot of students, but this module will erase all of your fears! While building on principles learned in the first three modules, you will start to feel more confident with your reading and have a clear path forward.

Just like learning a language, mastering reading skills at the piano is key to becoming fluent.

Module 4 Highlights:

🎵 Learning to improvise over common musical patterns

🎵 Recognizing common chords and their inversions

🎵 Learn how to systematically underestand common rhythms

🎵 Three beautiful pieces that reinforce the topics covered

🎵 Start reading confidently and smoothly

Many students claim they don’t have a sense of rhythm. Really all that’s missing is a systematic way to understand rhythm and a formula that helps you get that rhythm from your brain into your fingers and out into the world.

Never again utter the words, I don’t have a sense of rhythm.” You’ve got this!

Module 5 Highlights:

🎵 Learn how to turn your pieces into rhythm exercises and improvisations

🎵 Master reading rhythms once and for all

🎵 Analyze multiple layers of rhythm and master complex patterns once and for all

🎵 Three beautiful pieces that reinforce the topics in the module

Do you ever feel like you have two left feet? Or… two left hands? Playing hands together at the piano is an extremely complex task, but if you break your music down into manageable parts and practice slowly enough, everything is possible.

Start playing hands together confidently – and enjoy yourself along the way.

Module 6 Highlights:

🎵 Learning to create improvisations that challenge your coordination abilities

🎵 Master the final building blocks of quality reading skills

🎵 Learn how to systematically develop your hand coordination

🎵 Review pieces learned in the course with an emphasis on improving coordination

🎵 Add the final measures to Bach’s Prelude in C Major

This is where the magic happens ✨. You will take a deep dive on several of the pieces learned throughout the course and learn how to create different effects with the expressive tools you have available at the piano.

Unlock your full expressive musical potential with this final module.

Module 7 Highlights:

🎵 Learn what makes the difference between good playing and gorgeous music

🎵 Start developing your own interpretation of any pieces you’re learning

🎵 Put the finishing touches on all of the music you’ve learned

🎵 Stand back and look at how far you’ve come!

The content of the course is pre-recorded, but you’re not on your own, kid. Drop me an email with your questions, and send me recordings of your playing. I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can, and we’ll have even more time to cover your questions in the live workshops that happen every month.

Can’t make it live? Don’t worry, every session is recorded and will be available to you in the course platform.

What you get:

🎵 Monthly Q&A Sessions

🎵 Email Support

🎵 Hear your classmates’ questions – they’re probably wondering the same things you are!

Still new to piano and worried the course will move too quickly? Enter Piano from Scratch! It will help you with all of the basics – even if it’s your very first piano lesson.

This value-packed bonus is also helpful to more seasoned piano students. Even if you’ve been playing for a while, I bet there are some gems hidden in this bonus that will help you get even more out of your time at the piano.

What you get:

🎵 An introduction to piano playing from the very beginning

🎵 Extra pieces and exercises

🎵 Tips and tricks that will help you get even more out of the core elements of the course

Need more sight-reading material than the bonus readings in each module? I’ve got you covered with 6 months of free access to my sight-reading membership. Remember, a page a day keeps the sight-reading scaries away!

Listen, there’s no magic bullet that will turn you into a concert pianist overnight.

Starting to feel at home at the piano takes time and effort. But there are ways to get there faster and to have more fun along the way.

I spent many, many hours (and years) learning piano the hard way. Weak reading skills, inconsistent rhythm, inefficient practice.

Then I spent just as many hours and years learning how to learn more efficiently and take the painful parts out of the process. Brainstorming, testing, tweaking, re-testing.

And I’m here to tell you – you CAN do this, and it doesn’t have to feel like an uphill battle the whole way.

You’re here because you love music and you want to be able to express yourself at the piano. And I’m here to guide you on that journey and to cheer for you every single step of the way.

I can’t wait to meet you, work with you, and encourage you
inside Piano 101!

All the best,


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