The longer I teach piano lessons, the more firmly I believe that anyone who wants to learn a musical instrument is fully capable. I have taught students of varied ages and backgrounds, and every single one who has been interested in learning and committed to practicing consistently has always learned and grown to love music more and more over time. 

My teaching is based on three core principles:

1. Everyone can learn to play piano

I really mean everyone. So many people have come to me uncertain if they are “able to” learn. Do you want to learn? Are you willing to practice regularly? Then of course you are able to! Any talk of talent (or lack thereof) is nonsense. If you want to learn piano, the fastest way to get there is just starting — sooner, rather than later.

2. Reading skills are the backbone to music literacy

Reading was one of the weakest points in my musical development, and it really limited the amount of music I was able to learn. It took me years to realize that I had simply never learned learned the skill systematically. Once I acquired the tools to improve my sight-reading, I was able to learn so much more repertoire! It is one of the skills I reinforce the most with my students, because I see how it slowed my potential as a pianist.

3. Learning quality, science based practice skills is crucial to success

The other skill I learned much too late was how to practice properly. I always practiced a lot, so the problem often went undetected by my teachers. Through problem solving with my students and reading extensively about how we learn in general, I was able to guide not only my students, but also myself to more effective practice strategies.

Piano lessons with me

If you would like to learn with me, I am currently based in Vienna, Austria, but I also offer online piano lessons and have an online course to help you master the bass clef. You can also find my work in the blog on this website and on my YouTube channel. You can contact me via email at — I look forward to working with you!

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